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Avatar of mk-design mk-designMan
34 ans, France
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1 pictures
• Average popularity : 57/100
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“ Graphiste/Webmaster ”
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Who am I ?
My job/activity :
My hobbies :
Arts Graphique, Digital Painting, Illustration, Infographie, Breakdance, Jeux-vidéos, Informatique.
Movies I like :
Oblivion, Kingsman, Elysium, Interstellar, Shutter Island, Madd Max.
TV shows I like :
Supernatural, Under the dome, Walking Dead, Ma famille d'abord, Mon oncle Charlie, Arrow.
Books/Comics I like :
Dragon Ball Z, Naruto Shippuden, D Gray Man, Deadpool, Marvel etc.., Death Note, Bleach.
Music I like :
Hip Hop, Hard Rock, Metal, Rock, Dubstep, Instru, Orchestre, Opera.
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 Comics Deadpool - Digital Painting
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