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Avatar of ver0nike ver0nikeWoman
41 ans, Canada
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My gallery (6)
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Favorites members of ver0nike 10 favorites members
Favorites pictures of ver0nike 0 favorites pictures
Les fans de ver0nike 4 fans
6 pictures (with 1 Team's favorites)
• Average popularity : 75.83/100
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“ bienvenue dans mon petit monde bien a moi!! j'espere que vous serez ravis!! wink
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Who am I ?
My hobbies :
graphisme aller sur ma bimbo.com ...
Movies I like :
Independance day x-men origins wolverine star trek l'aire de glace...
TV shows I like :
lost ( best serie ever) stargate sg1 moonlight chuck ugly betty
Music I like :
marie-mai Lady gaga la roux avril lavigne
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24 | 120 pictures
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(1-24 / 6 pictures)
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Avatar of yushyyushy the 07/20/2012 at 21h20
Fun et tres légé, j'aime bien.