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Avatar of auroraborealis auroraborealisMan
33 ans, Suisse
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My gallery (4)
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Favorites members of auroraborealis 48 favorites members
Favorites pictures of auroraborealis 1 favorites pictures
Les fans de auroraborealis 2 fans
4 pictures
• Average popularity : 57.75/100
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Badminton, lecture, sorties
Movies I like :
Fast and Furious (tous), Nausicaä, Arrietty
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NCIS, Castle, Smallville
Books/Comics I like :
Artemis Fowl, Harry Potter, À la croisée des mondes
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Avatar of bloodtiesbloodties the 07/28/2012 at 13h58
j'adore ce debut de galerie , c vraiment tres beau