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Avatar of photolb photolbMan
68 ans, France
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Favorites members of photolb 0 favorites members
Favorites pictures of photolb 0 favorites pictures
Les fans de photolb 20 fans
282 pictures (with 28 Team's favorites)
• Average popularity : 68.49/100
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Who am I ?
My hobbies :
la photo bien sur.......
Movies I like :
science fiction - fantastique : starwars - rencontre du 3eme type -avatar - le seigneur des anneaux - harry potter ......
TV shows I like :
fringe, haven, torchwood, games of thrones, failling skies, ......
Books/Comics I like :
(fondation) Isaac Asimov,( L'Île des morts) Roger ZELAZNY, René Barjavel, (Le Faiseur d'univers - Les Portes de la création) Philip José Farmer, (dune) Frank Herbert, (Rama) Arthur C Clarc,
Music I like :
pink floyd - led zeppelin - deep purple - the who - phil collins - tagerine dream - manuel gothshine - klaus schulze -
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