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Avatar of isdomokun isdomokunMan
30 ans, France
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Favorites members of isdomokun 1 favorites members
Favorites pictures of isdomokun 0 favorites pictures
Les fans de isdomokun 1 fans
1 pictures
• Average popularity : 66/100
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“ I'm a Super Woman. ”
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Who am I ?
My job/activity :
My hobbies :
Photos, Dessins, Sorties, Potes.
Movies I like :
Léon, Kill Bill, One milliard dollar Baby, Nikita, 300, In the pick of destiny.
TV shows I like :
Skins, South Park.
Books/Comics I like :
Music I like :
AC/DC, Blackbird, Blink182, Bob Marley, Nirvana, Police, Ramons, Sex pistols, The clash, Hypocrisy, Dagoba, Iron maide, Sonata Arctica, Deftones, Dimmu Borgir, Tenacious D, Sum41, Pantera, Stone Tour, Soilwork, Pain, Puritanical, Nola, One Day Remains, Marilyn Manson, Metallica, Mnemic, Koritni, Killswitch engage, Gwar, Eminem.
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