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Avatar of sanjithebest sanjithebestMan
36 ans, Belgique
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My gallery (11)
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11 pictures (with 2 Team's favorites)
• Average popularity : 77/100
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Who am I ?
Movies I like :
Terminator - Predator - l'Illusionniste - Le prestige - K-Pax - Incerption - Die Hard - L'arme fatale - Lord of the rings - le Terminal - Frozen - Au nom du père - 12 hommes en colère - le diner de cons - chute libre - Raid rédemption, ...
TV shows I like :
Kaiji - Slam Dunk - Hajime no Ippo - Death Note - Berserk - City Hunter - Saint Seiya - Golden Boy - Naruto - Full Metal Alchemist - South Park
Books/Comics I like :
Slam Dunk - Ares - Hajime no Ippo - Psyren - Gunz - the Breaker
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