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You are here : Hebus.com's Home > Favorites members of kizsteella
Avatar of kizsteella kizsteellaMan
33 ans, Canada
Who am I ?
My gallery (38)
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Some statistics ...
Favorites members of kizsteella 6 favorites members
Favorites pictures of kizsteella 0 favorites pictures
Les fans de kizsteella 36 fans
38 pictures (with 31 Team's favorites)
• Average popularity : 93.32/100
2 messages on the forum
Some words :
“ La persévérance est tout ce dont nous avons besoin pour arriver au bout de nos rêves.
( 3 ans sur Hebus, merci pour tout vos commentaires qui m'ont bien soutenus jusqu'à maintenant!) ”
Your name and first name
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Your message

Who am I ?
My job/activity :
Architecture | Design
My hobbies :
Photographie | Design | Architecture
Movies I like :
Cloud Atlas | Into the Wild
TV shows I like :
The Simpson | New girl | Game of throne
Books/Comics I like :
Le passeur | Le meilleur des mondes
Music I like :
Indie | Hip Hop | Down tempo
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Man 46 yo, France

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Man 36 yo, France

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Man 44 yo, Canada

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(1-24 / 6 members)