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When the wind cries
Crucify my love
If my love is blind
Crucify my love
If it sets me free
Never know, never trust
"That love should see a color"
Crucify my love
If it should be that way

Swing the heartache
Feel it inside out
When the wind cries
I'll say goodbye
Tried to learn, tried to find
To reach out for eternity
Where's the answer
Is this forever

Like a river flowing to the sea
You'll be miles away and I will know
I know I can deal with the pain
No reason to cry

Crucify my love
If my love is blind
Crucify my love
If it sets me free
Never know, never trust
"That love should see a color"
Crucify my love
If it should be that way

'Til the loneliness shadows the sky
I'll be sailing down and I will know
I know I can clear clouds away
Oh is it a crime to love

Swing the heartache
Feel it inside out
When the wind cries
I'll say goodbye
Tried to learn, tried to find
To reach out for eternity
Where's the answer
Is this forever

If my love is blind
Crucify my love
If it sets me free
Never know, never trust
"That love should see a color"
Crucify my love
If it should be that way"

Wallpapers Music X-Japan When the wind cries
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