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roneman ( 53 ans) with 105 points
speedycharly01 ( 69 ans) with 60 points
coudfr ( 53 ans) with 5 points
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sunsidi ( 58 ans) with 0 pictures
gewurtz ( 59 ans) with 0 pictures
urei69 ( 35 ans) with 0 pictures
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sunsidi ( 58 ans) with 0 pictures
gewurtz ( 59 ans) with 0 pictures
urei69 ( 35 ans) with 0 pictures
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sunsidi ( 58 ans) 0/100 with 0 pictures
gewurtz ( 59 ans) 0/100 with 0 pictures
urei69 ( 35 ans) 0/100 with 0 pictures
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sunsidi ( 58 ans) with 0 messages
gewurtz ( 59 ans) with 0 messages
urei69 ( 35 ans) with 0 messages
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wavejumper ( 37 ans) with 8 votes
dnsbj37 ( 32 ans) with 8 votes
jehevjcibev ( 28 ans) with 5 votes